Saturday, November 22, 2008

Small Victories, We Will Take Them Where We Find Them

Dr. Schlessinger (surgeon) called. He is concerned at the lack of "sparkle" in our girl, which has us concerned as well. We've never seen her like this. The good news is, he is removing the gastric tube that was snaked down her nose into her stomach, and was her greatest discomfort. So that should give her MUCH more comfort today. He will also let her have a drink of water, which does not seem like a big deal, until you go without it. So the quality of her day should improve, and we are grateful for that. Will report in after they check her lungs, but wanted to be able to say something positive for once.



JeremarieForce said...

Thank you for the update Cynthia. I feel so very bad for her. Just know that I am praying often and that I am praying she is able to go home before too much longer so she can be in her own surroundings/environment which she enjoys most. I won't call today to ask if she wants me to visit - I totally understand. Just let her know that I love her and my warm and loving thoughts are with and about her. Jeremarie

pools said...

Yeah!!!!!!!!!! for the progress.
I am so happy to hear that she is improving for the time will keep praying for her.