Friday, November 21, 2008

Friday morning, November 21

Marianna is still having a tough time breathing. The poor thing has a tube down her nose into the stomach so her newly reopened bowel doesn't have to work as hard, and then oxygen tubes shoved in there to help her breathe, and a sore throat from the breathing help while in surgery. So her throat is sore, voice nearly gone, and her oxygen levels drop when she talks. In short, no phone calls today please.

Feel free to email me with notes of encouragement to her, or post them here in the Comments section and I will take them to her.

At 3pm today Richard and I will meet with her new oncologist, and get a better feel for where we go in the future with the cancer. Up until now we have simply been dealing with what the cancer was doing to her body. Once she is stable from that we can work on what to do about the cancer that created this mess. Will report in after that.

1 comment:

JeremarieForce said...

Hi my friend....Your in my thoughts and prayers Marianna. Thank you for your telephone call this a.m. with your blog and Cynthia's web addresses. I appreciate you taking time to do this in your especially in your condition. I will e-mail after writing this to you to let her know that I am up-to-date after reading the blog. Thank her for her efforts in keeping us all up-to-date. It is truly appreciated. I will call you in the a.m. on Sat to see if you are up to having me have a short visit with you or not. Remember, you will not hurt my feelings if you do not feel up to it.....I can always come another day when you are feeling better. Take good care my sweet friend, and remember you are on the Saddleback prayer chain and in my prayers often each day. Love you, Jeremarie